Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Giving Thanks 5 Lines at a Time

THANK GOD! Gratitude poem #5, iambic pentameter, 11-28-2015


It doesn't seem to matter what I call
the Force Divine, the Source of Love, the Guy
or Gal Upstairs, Allah, or Adonai. 
It doesn't matter, when I pray, what Name
I use; it matters only that I do.


THANKFUL FOR VOWELS! Gratitude poem #6, iambic pentameter, 11-29-2015


Thank heaven for the letter O--so that
the Widow Lennon doesn’t have to be
YK N, the play’s not THELL, those trees aren’t AKS... 
and as for me, I’d rather greet a friend
with less extravagance of warmth than “HELL.”


THANKS, MOM AND DAD. Gratitude poem #7, iambic pentameter, 11-30-2015


The picture hung above the fireplace
at Mom and Dad's. My grandpa made the frame. 
No fireplace today, no Mom and Dad,
except in the occasional refrain
that echoes, "Wear a hat; it's going to rain."

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