THANK GOD! Gratitude poem #5, iambic pentameter, 11-28-2015
the Force Divine, the Source of Love, the Guy
or Gal Upstairs, Allah, or Adonai.
It doesn't matter, when I pray, what Name
I use; it matters only that I do.
THANKFUL FOR VOWELS! Gratitude poem #6, iambic pentameter, 11-29-2015
the Widow Lennon doesn’t have to be
YK N, the play’s not THELL, those trees aren’t AKS...
and as for me, I’d rather greet a friend
with less extravagance of warmth than “HELL.”
THANKS, MOM AND DAD. Gratitude poem #7, iambic pentameter, 11-30-2015
at Mom and Dad's. My grandpa made the frame.
No fireplace today, no Mom and Dad,
except in the occasional refrain
that echoes, "Wear a hat; it's going to rain."
It doesn't seem to matter what I callthe Force Divine, the Source of Love, the Guy
or Gal Upstairs, Allah, or Adonai.
It doesn't matter, when I pray, what Name
I use; it matters only that I do.
THANKFUL FOR VOWELS! Gratitude poem #6, iambic pentameter, 11-29-2015
Thank heaven for the letter O--so thatthe Widow Lennon doesn’t have to be
YK N, the play’s not THELL, those trees aren’t AKS...
and as for me, I’d rather greet a friend
with less extravagance of warmth than “HELL.”
THANKS, MOM AND DAD. Gratitude poem #7, iambic pentameter, 11-30-2015
The picture hung above the fireplaceat Mom and Dad's. My grandpa made the frame.
No fireplace today, no Mom and Dad,
except in the occasional refrain
that echoes, "Wear a hat; it's going to rain."
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