Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Very Very Empty Nest

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This Is Gratitude? — God

Seven years or so ago I went the
wrong direction, without doubts or reservations;
 it felt undeniably correct to
kiss my former life goodbye. I'd miss it
for a while, but I'd survive.

I have no
patience with regrets, but I would surely
have a slew of them if I allowed
myself to rue my history. I'd wallow
for a time, pure self-indulgence, like a
scented bath with wine and candles, but no
matter how I'd try, I couldn't pull the
past into the present; anyway, I
should be satisfied.

Looking back, I realize I missed a
turn I should have taken on the journey
home; but in my haste I wandered down a
hill and through a mist, I barely noticed
it but for the momentary chill; and
on the other  side were people, places,
oh, a lot of things I thought I’d known, but
they had changed and I had not. I longed to
go back through the mist, but it was gone.

I came here in December to the place where
I was born; and here, in waking and in
sleep, I mourn because they don't remember
 In this strange land, sometimes I feel invisible
and yet endangered; and I wonder, is it
I who’s changed then, after all? I've fallen
into new and unfamiliar territory,
for I’ve always been so good at what I
do, and people saw it and were pleased and
they applauded me.

My life flowed easily back then. I wonder
if it ever will again. I wonder,
am I old? Have I begun to drift in
that cold course that flows into the sea? Could
this be why the current chills the bone, and
will I ever know again the warmth of

I wonder, is this me, the real me, stripped of
— no longer needed day to day to
fill the holes of hunger, fear, or loneliness that
were my charge, my purpose, and I happily
embraced it. It was home, a holy place;
I was the heart of it, and never loath (that
I remember) to prepare a meal, to
be a lap, a shoulder for a child who
felt, perhaps, as I do now, but only
momentarily, as is the way of
children: so resilient, protected by
imaginary cloaks of immortality.
Soon they scamper off to play.
— no longer
wanted as a lover and a friend, to
warm the bed and fetch the coffee and to
touch and kiss in passing. Is this, then, the
end of love, here on the dark side of
the mist?

Somehow I’ve lost my reason to arise at
dawn, give thanks, and start my day, for now there’s
no one who depends on me, and still, with
seven years gone
by, I grieve.

Recommended reading: The Joy of Living, by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
Websites by Annagrammatica


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