Monday, May 10, 2010

A Balanced Life

The Rhythm of the Day

To wake at five a.m., and pray, assess the day— it
rains— and smile and say, “Good morning, Jane,
and many thanks, how does your little Kylie?” to
the maid who brings my customary coffee, very
strong, and buttered toast and berries, and to truly
feel relieved when she replies, “Why, Kylie’s better,
finally! Her fever’s gone; she’s even been outdoors
to take the air.” To say, “Thank God!” and
mean it....

Now alone again, indulging in my love
affair with coffee for the moment, savoring
the scent, remembering the humble bean that with
its cousins starts the hearts of millions in home-or-
office ritual around the globe, those spirits kindred to
my own for whom a cup of tea is most ungenerous
indeed with flavor and caffeine— A little note to
Jane: “I need your recipe, my angel; I can’t
make the coffee zing the way
you do. Perhaps you
might give me
a lesson.”

Then to bless with all my soul the baker of the bread,
the picker of the berries, not forgetting all the others—
growers, drivers, bankers, clerks— whose work is to
ensure that Jane has fruit and fiber on my tray at five-
fifteen a.m.... There is no condescension here; I merely
try to not take anything for granted and to wish them
well and hope that they’re as glad I purchase what they
grow and sell as I am that they’ve done it, and I add a
blessing for the ones whose bosses lack compassion; as an
afterthought, repentantly, I bless unpleasant
bosses too.

Arising then, I wash and dress, then meditate, or the reverse,
whichever has become my habit— that’s the point: to be
methodical and thoughtful, too;
and then the mitzvah: This one is for ritual,
first kindness of the day, but not the last. Perhaps an
aspidistra for myAunt Elizabeth, recovering from shingles, such
an awful case of them, will cheer her up. I’ll visit her this
afternoon but send the florist
with the plant

Alas! The cook is on vacation, so I put some breast of
chicken in the crock pot with a bunch of carrots and
potatoes and the broth and set the dial to “Low”— my
nemesis is that I usually forget to
turn it on— Oh, that
all nemeses were
as innocuous.

I plan my day permitting spontaneity and set aside some time
for company— I’m such a hermit otherwise— but there is
much to do domestically, professionally, and once I would
have looked askance at all the tasks, especially the nastiest,
the ones that I despise (in my case, making phone calls) and
I would have moaned and gotten back in bed, but now I’m
swept along by plans made in advance and by the rhythm of
my life.

 There is no Jane, no coffee brought to me in bed, no cook, no
florist whom I can afford, it seems; this isn’t even my routine.
I have no servants, wish I did, but
first things first:

To have such discipline, to think ahead, to do what’s necessary
with attention, joy, humility, but in addition to have time and
energy for many chosen things to fill my calendar— this is my
aspiration, this my dream; but to bring order out of chaos somehow,
that would be
enough for

  • Photo, blue sheer curtains: VNWallpapers
  • RE THE AD BELOW: Instead of clicking on the AD to get to the website (as the ad instructs), please click HERE. I don't know how to link the image to the destination in Blogger (it's very simple in Wordpress).

RE THE AD ABOVE: Instead of clicking on the AD to get to the website (as the ad instructs), please click HERE. I don't know how to link the image to the destination in Blogger (it's very simple in Wordpress).

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